Team coaching

Are we aligned with our key stakeholders?

Think both systemically and individually

At Matrix we support leadership teams in all sectors to go on the journey from ‘good to great’ by helping them to be more engaged at work, at home and play.

We create spaces where you can safely share your opinions and feelings without fear of reprisal, job loss, or other consequences that cause emotional distress.

We encourage teams and individuals to examine the system within which they are operating and to ask questions of others and themselves.

Systemic team coaching

Teams have internal and external stakeholders. With each stakeholder a team will have two fundamental two dimensions of interaction:

  • tasks or jobs that need to be done, and

  • interpersonal and inter-organisational relationships. 

Successful teams learn how to develop each of these domains, and learn how to learn for themselves going forwards. A team is then able to sustain its performance, well-being and learning long after working with us.

This framework is a development of the ‘The Five Disciplines’ for high performing teams’ model created by Professor Peter Hawkins of Henley Business School.

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360 review for the team

The online Team Connect 360® survey supports systemic team coaching by providing an insightful picture of the team through the eyes of their different stakeholders in the following areas:

We use the Team Connect 360 report to catalyse a short series of structured workshops that generate long-term learning in teams and improve the team’s capacity to deliver.


Mindfulness for Teams

Self-reflection exercises help teams to reflect on your perceived truths, supporting you to release stress, clear your mind and improve your well-being. Cultivating presence – your capacity to be ‘present’ with whatever is occurring without arguing with reality – strengthens your ability to stay centred during times of change and challenge.