Executive Coaching

Do you want clarity about your future?


We listen to you

At Matrix we realise that challenges in the workplace can affect performance. Work might feel uncomfortable and create unsettled feelings. With some coaching support, these emotions can become triggers for positive change, growth and well-being.

We support you to go on the journey from ‘good to great’ by helping you become more engaged at work, at home and play.

Best suited for: CEOs, entrepreneurs, senior executives, leaders, middle management

Executive coaching

We use a combination of approaches that, within a psychologically safe space, raises awareness of what is going on within your environment. In particular we use:

Cognitive behavioural coaching recognises that you can manage your thinking about situations in which you find yourself, and that by managing thoughts you can also manage your emotions and so feel better.

Performance coaching recognises that in order to move forward, sometimes you need to set yourself goals, strategies and actions and review these regularly to stay on track.


“I strongly recommend the coaching provided by Jan Rakowicz as it helped me just at the right time after yet another reorganisation at work. I was in quite some doubt and disarray at the beginning of the coaching and after 6 weekly sessions I felt much calmer and I had a plan that I could follow. The focused way Jan worked on analysing, proposing different solutions and perspectives and regularly checking back if this felt right for me made me enjoy our sessions.”

— Pia, Director


Personal consulting for CEOs

At Matrix we believe that a listening ear, an unbiased outside opinion and raising conscious awareness can be of great benefit to the lonely leader.

As a muse to the CEO we offer you a handy helpline because sometimes being at the top can feel lonely. At Matrix we know this because we have individual experience of been there too.


“Jan’s coaching unlocked my thinking to see new possibilities and practical steps for sustainable success.”

— Sarah, Founder and CEO


Mindfulness practices

What might feel real in the moment of ‘now’ is what we typically react to. On reflection we sometimes realise that our reactions were not what we would have chosen if we had had more time to reflect or less stress from our surroundings. Our ‘wise’ selves would have been responsive rather than reactive.

We can draw out your ‘wise self’ through inquiry so that this conscious presence becomes an on-going resource in your daily life, helping you deal with your reactivity, problem solving, making sense of what’s happening around you.


Physical balancing

Shiatsu, which in Japanese means ‘finger pressure, is a form of massage therapy on fully clothed bodies. It works on pressure points to help bring balance to the body based on the principles of Chinese medicine.

Even a one-off session of Shiatsu can boost energy levels, improve clarity of thinking and enable better sleep.